The Asheville Musicians Directory is a complete guide to all musicians based in Asheville North Carolina and surrounding areas. Information in the directory is collected from a variety of sources including MySpace sites, band websites, and direct communication with the musicians themselves.

The Asheville Muscians Directory is part of the larger Asheville Music Guide which includes directories of local venues, music studios, recordings, music videos, and other music resources.

The complete Asheville Music Guide is brought to you by The Asheville Music Scene. The Asheville Music Scene is a website devoted to raising awareness of the vast music community in Asheville by providing comprehensive news and information about local musicians and local music events.

All submission, additions, and corrections to The Asheville Music Directory can be submitted to

Thanks for visiting. We welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Don Talley
The Asheville Music Directory

Be sure and visit our affiliated Asheville Music websites: